And So Summer Begins
I had a whole year recap drafted. Twice. At this point, I decided to delete it, but kept a few parts which for a recap of 2023:
- 2023 started with high hopes, then my family had an unexpected situation. It was probably my least productive year quantity size for my art, however, I poured myself into the pieces that I did do. So while not many, I felt some were the best I’ve done in awhile.
- I was in two art shows/events, including El Corazón for the 3rd time. At both events, I sold work, two at The Art of Woman event. I felt so good, even after the Woman event, my husband mentioned how a light inside me returned; I really needed to hear that - I took risks, showing art is always a risk, it’s exposing yourself, and people liked it, people I don’t know liked it, and some people bought it.
- I finally updated a page for my Heart of a Song challenge from 2022.
Now it is June 2024, so what’s happened?
- Well, a big reason I painted was so little was because I was pregnant, and this time around, was very exhausted. My baby was born in March.
- I showed some work at a local recreation center.
- I finished a few paintings, and as recently as yesterday, finished two: one I started years ago, and one I started within the last few months.
- A brand new page is now available: 2023 - 2024. I’m slowly working on adding works from this year to that page. Which, on that note, I know my photos are not the best, for now for this website, it will do.
As I can, I’m starting new pieces, probably too many at once, but hey, at least I’ll have a lot of options to choose from when I can paint?
Summer time is often the least productive time because it’s so hot here in Texas. However, I’ve learned to garden a little thanks to a friend, and I’m becoming even more inspired with these life changes as my daughter is starting to show her own creativity at home. Maybe this summer will be different, maybe not. Either way, I’ll find a way to sneak in a few blobs of paint here and there.
Purple balloon flower from the start of my flowerbed
Currently Reading: The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina by Zoraida Córdova
Currently Listening: The Shape of Fluidity by DOOL
Currently Watching: Ted Lasso