Studio Sunday: Self Portrait Circa 2017
Years ago when my husband and I lived in an apartment, I started portrait. At some point, maybe it was because we were moving, life, uninspired reasons, I stopped working on it. I debated making it a self-portrait. Years passed and this remained in my art space.
A face that clearly haunted me for years.
In an effort to finish old paintings before starting new ones, I picked up this piece. For motivation, I made this above image my profile picture on Facebook, and promised myself to update it as the portrait progressed. I pat myself on the back for this idea.
I never said it was going to be a realistic self-portrait....
A few weeks ago, I finally finished it, but waited for good weather and time to post it. This time, I made it my cover photo. All feels right with my studio world, and I'd like to do another one in the future too. Maybe I'll do a self-portrait around the time I turn 30, I like even numbers. For now, I'm done, and onward to continue the others unfinished and those that need to be properly sketched and done.
Self-Portrait Circa 2017
Currently Watching: Supernatural - Season 7 - Episode 4