Thoughtful Tuesday: 52 Paintings - #1
One of my more challenging, more difficult goals for this year is to do 52 paintings, a week so to speak. Art Con inspired the idea. Before Artist Day, I did a small quick study on canvas of my idea just to test my composition. After Art Con, I revisited the rough sketch, tweaked it here and there, and produced the below image. It got my wheels turning….. I spent maybe less than an hour total on the piece, what if I did this more often?
And thus…. 52 paintings idea was born. While my goal is to do 52 complete mini paintings, no bigger than 12” x 12”, I still hope to leave some imperfections. Sometimes an artist can overthink and make something too finish, when it just needs some rawness. That’s what I’m hoping for this goal - just do it, just paint. I’ve also finding how inspired I’ve been lately, with music and my own work. Thus, my first mini painting of the year is inspired by a poem I’m working on. This first piece currently untitled, I’ll have a more formal title soon. In the mean time, here is painting 1:
Better pictures coming soon……crappy lighting is…crappy….
I’ll likely start a new page somewhere here with a link to all the paintings and making other updates here. Yay goals!!
Currently Listening: Unleashed Memories - Lacuna Coil (oh feeling the inspiration)