Thoughtful Thursday: A Prodigal Return

I feel I have wasted time. A lot of time. A lot of paint time. The loss of drive is hard. I'll post how I have felt about this year later, but for now, I have finally updated by 2015-2016 gallery. These pieces are some of the proudest and bravest I feel I have done. At some point, they will get a post about why I painted them, what inspired them, how I feel about them. I think that is part of why I waited so long to post photos of these works. Out of fear. The fear of exposure. Yet, I still have others to share. And art should be shared shouldn't it? 

If you feel the need, visit the 2015-2016 gallery under Paintings. Maybe you'll enjoy, maybe you won't. Either way, it's okay. 

If it's one thing I have truly learned this year, I never chose to be an artist. 

Art chose me. 

Currently Listening to "The Heart of a Cold White Land" by Swallow the Sun off the album Songs from the North I, II & III.

Currently Reading Neil Gaiman's "The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction"